Hope everyone had a great New Year's celebration!

Logan does an excellent job, hitting the target really well despite it being his first time. He also has Serious Face down pat:

Katie shows a more elegant clothing option for target practice:

And I, in true form, manage to strike fear into the hearts of many with my blue tassel hat. Call me The Intimidator:
Or maybe The Scary Doofus With a Gun.
We had a great holiday season, and actually had a white Christmas! And while we enjoyed the snow while it was here - we ended up with a foot! Lovely, but not so easy to get around in.
Thing in Sky!:
Two of Noel's kids came down for Christmas & New Year's, and we had a really nice time. We went sledding:

Please note, this was only about 1/4 of the total length of this hill. It was possible to hit Mach 5 on the sled. Noel & the kids went down at one time.
It didn't end well:

As you can see from the sky, it was a gorgeous day. Perfect for lounging in the sun! Katie demonstrates:

We also went target shooting (Fun family time activities! Speed sledding & shooting stuff!):
Noel demonstrates Proper Shooting Form, and also Proper Serious Face:
Logan does an excellent job, hitting the target really well despite it being his first time. He also has Serious Face down pat:

Katie shows a more elegant clothing option for target practice:

And I, in true form, manage to strike fear into the hearts of many with my blue tassel hat. Call me The Intimidator:
What else did we do? Of course, we ate a lot. Including one of my favorite new recipes (not written by me, so I can't take credit): Homemade chicken pot pie! YUM.
All in all, we had a wonderful time.
Now, since this is ostensibily a knitting blog and therefore should feature pictures of my knitting...
Oh wait. I didn't take any pictures of my holiday knitting. Oops. I have been busy with it though. For Christmas, I made 2 sets of accessories for my nieces' American Girl dolls (a poncho, a cape, a hat, and a purse - all my own design, and with no pictures. Great.) I also made some socks for my sister, and am most of the way through another pair of socks, these for my mom. I also did 3 hats.
Now as many of you may already know, each year I like to do some charity knitting/crocheting. It's a nice way to give something handmade to someone who may be having a hard time, and the fact that it's handcrafted means all that much more.
This year, the plan is to make some Snuggles (blankets) for Hugs for Homeless Animals (http://www.snugglesproject.org/). Basically they're simple little blankets that are put into the adoption cages of animal shelters. They provide comfort for the animals while in the cages, and are given with the animal when adopted, so the animal has something familiar in their new home. So sweet. :) They're easy to do, so if any of you are looking for a fun project to work on while the weather's crappy, consider making some Snuggles.
Speaking of animals, 2 certain someones had a good Christmas too. Santa brought them Fancy Feast! (He's got their number, that's for sure!)
Anyway, time to head into the kitchen. Tonight we're having venison stew, courtesy of ol' Davy Crockpot.
Also? It's supposed to snow again tonight! Brrrrr!!!!!
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