(This is the post I wrote yesterday, by the way, that wouldn't upload - so if you see "today" think "yesterday" and also "Kelli is too lazy to change the post.")
Here in the Land of The Garden That Keeps on Giving, we've been busy putting away veggies, both by preserving (either canning or freezing) or by eating. We've been doing a LOT of eating.
Oh, and a lot of shucking.
I've put away over 80 ears worth of corn (mostly on cobs, but some as creamed corn). My mom came over and we also made some corn relish. Also, I got diligent one day and made more pickles, with Noel's help.
Important Safety Note: When you have a hot pot boiling on the stove, don't squirt rubbing alcohol on the stove top to clean it.
Ask me how I know this.
We've gotten over 200 cucumbers out of the garden, and the vines are still producing.
Our tomatoes are now finally turning red too, although some are holding back (these are roma tomatoes):
Aren't they a gorgeous color?
The okra is finally starting to pod as well, and it has lovely huge blooms on it.
Who knew that okra is pretty enough to be put in a floral bouquet?
The cantaloupes are also growing! We've got quite a few of them coming up in the cantaloupe patch.
(Just calling it a cantaloupe patch tickles me - makes me feel like Linus, except I'm waiting for the Great Melon. Not to be confused with Dolly Parton).
Today, surprisingly, we had a ripe one already! We went ahead and got it out of the cantaloupe patch (sorry, I just like saying that).
Yeah, it was huge. Don't be afraid. It won't hurt you.
I was worried it wouldn't actually be ripe on the inside, but if anything it was over ripe! Still, it tasted good.
Also, incidentally, I think we accidentally invented the Single Serving Cantaloupe. Now taking orders!
And not specifically garden-related, but still Growing Things related, we have been graced with that loveliest of wildflowers, Queen Anne's Lace:
This one was particularly striking, like a lacy snowflake!
Interspersed with the lace, there was a nice juxtaposition of something prickly - Scottish thistles! (Ok, they might not actually be SCOTTISH, but they look like Scottish thistles, and Noel and I both have Scottish blood, so therefore we're going to go with it.)
In other news, I've been working on some new crafting/art projects. I don't want to show too much yet (I'm hoping to get these into some area shops, and don't want to give away my ideas!), but this should give you a taste of what's in store (or hopefully soon to BE in store!):
Anybody own a gift boutique out there? :)
1 comment:
I'm disappointed that there's no picture of your stove all ablaze. Where are your priorities, woman? Camera BEFORE the fire extinguisher.
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