So let's see...we've been busy here! Friday afternoon I went to knitting night and had a great time! The yarn shop is very cool and the owner spins a lot of the yarn herself off of her own sheep. Neato! We had coffee and cookies and all kinds of chatting. It was soooo nice. I miss my knitting group from Savannah, and it was so enjoyable to get out and hang out with other knitters for a while. Next time? I'll try to remember to take pictures. Oops.
Of course, I did manage to take a totally irrelevant picture of a German Shepherd sitting on top of a truck downtown:
Sorry it's a crappy picture - it was dusk, yadda yadda.
On Saturday, Noel had to work. Which was a shame, because Saturday was Tartan Day in Jonesborough. I wanted him to wear his kilt! Noel's sister was in town though, so she and I went to see it for a little while before she headed home to GA. This was a really small festival - maybe 6 vendor booths, 2 highland cows, 4 sheep, 3 border collies, 4 food booths (including a pastry/shortbread one, which made me very happy. And fat.) There were some men in kilts, and...well...that was about it. Very cute litte festival though, and a gorgeous day.
Which of course you wouldn't know, because I left my camera at home. Sorry! They have more festivals throughout the year though, including Jonesborough Days in July (they're putting out a Call for Crafters - dare I submit some stuff?)
Thankfully, Noel didn't have to work Sunday! We went to Verizon and got me a seriously cool phone, because my old provider, let's call them T-NOT-Mobile, never had a signal. EVER. So I now have a phone that (1) looks like it'll work nicely, and (2) looks super cool and is orange. Schweet!
We also went for a drive on Sunday because it was just so gorgeous!
And lest you all think that all we did for the last few days was gallavant around (ok, all *I* did), oh no, I beg to differ.
On our last long trip, the one getting us here to TN, my closet...died. I had a shoe holder thingie in there, and it gave up the ghost and tore apart and scattered my sundries and garments all over the place. So I got a new one, and proceeded to empty out my closet:
Closet Inspector #1 was soon joined by Closet Inspector #2.
(Do you see now why I have a hard time getting anything done without cat hair being involved?) I did end up with a cleaned out closet though. I switched my unmentionables with shirts, putting the shirts in the drawers and my drawers (so to speak) in the shoe cubby thing. Works out much better!
I also made the granddaddy of all banana puddings!
Recipe at and I can tell you, it's really good. Although the cream cheese doesn't really smooth out so nicely without a blender or mixer. But it tastes great still! Yum.
I've also been diligently writing - 6 articles today! Whew!
And now it's really late, so I'd better head to bed. Good night!
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