I'm very proud of it - this was my first quilt, and it had been languishing for a very long time in my UFO pile (that's Un-Finished Objects, for those non-crafters out there). It required a lot of hand sewing, since I decided to do all of the quilting and binding by hand, but it was worth it. Sometimes hand sewing is really relaxing - simple, repetitive movements do that for you.
The kitties gave it their little fuzzy stamps of approval:
And it passes the ever critical nap test!
This was my Crafty Learning Activity for February, so it's finished a little late, but that's ok. My March project is also done, but I haven't taken pictures yet. I've also got April's project lined up: retro embroidery! Should be fun!
Alright, it's time to go pick up Noel from work. Bye!
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