Friday, November 13, 2009

A Big Knitting Woo Hoo!

I got an email saying that one of the hats I made was chosen to be in a book about knitted hats! (Rachel, it's Annie Modesitt's new book!) I AM SO EXCITED.

Not much else to report today - Noel is working hard, I'm working on knitted projects that I've been commissioned to make.

One interesting tidbit though: as many of you may know, I'm a big proponent of the public library system. You can get some great stuff there, including DVDs of good movies, books on tape, magazines, and other fun stuff! All for free!

One of my concerns about going on the road was that I would no longer have access to a library to check books out (granted, it's possible to go sit in a library and read there, but that kinda takes a while). After all, I am a very regular library user. The librarians know me by name. If you didn't know I was a dork before...well, there you go. Ironclad proof.

Anyway, recently I remembered something: the library system in Savannah lets you access audio books online, download them for up to 2 weeks, and listen anytime you want on your computer! This is brilliant. I've now downloaded 4 different books (Agatha Christie is my favorite so far) and I can sit here and knit while David Suchet reads a book to me. How awesome is that?

So for any of you who like to work outside, ride your bike, or have a longish commute, check your library. The system they have at the Savannah libraries actually lets you download the books onto your ipod or MP3 player! Portable literature! Love that!


Rachel said...

SO COOL!! Congratulations!! Is this hat one of your own design? My sister's a celebrity. Don't let it go to your head - your hats won't fit anymore. ;)

Good tip about the library and books online. I'm not sure that ours does that (you better believe I'm going to check). The thing I've fallen in dorky love with is NPR's podcasts.

cima star said...

Never heard love of reading called dorky before, but if it is, I surely am a dork! Have been a devotee of libraries sice about age 7...and still am!
But had never thought of downloading books to listen to....thank you sooooo much for that tip! Right now, with a broken arm, it's tough to hol anything but a small. light weight paperback. Youve given me a great gift!